Author: Atom Mkhitaryan
PhD in Physics, Assoc. Professor in Education, International Scientific – Educational Centre of NAS RA
The paper analyzes the developments of doctoral studies in National Academy of Sciences of RA since 1997 and the management process.
Education and training of highly qualified personnel is increasingly seen as a fundamental platform that ensures the development of the state.
Reforming the national institute for doctoral studies (aspirantura) is aimed at improving the quality of human resources in science, optimizing research topics in accordance with the priority areas of development of science and technology, increasing publication and innovative activities, bringing national science and research closer to the world level and achieving international recognition.
We present numbers of defended dissertations both in Armenia and in NAS RA during the last 25 years, the dynamics and the main trends of development of academic degree awarding system.
We discuss the possible impact of reforming of the system of training and certification of highly qualified personnel on the organization of third – level doctoral education (doctoral schools) and specialized / dissertation councils in NAS RA.
The results of the SWOT-analysis of doctoral education and academic degree awarding processes in the NAS RA are shown.
The article presents the main activities and projects aimed at using the advantages and strong points of the NAS RA network in order to improve the quality of doctoral education and training.
The paper explores the mechanisms of organizational, methodological and infrastructural support for research and innovation activities of doctoral students and young scientists.
There are also suggested the approaches to organization of strong networking between NAS RA research institutes, foreign universities for training and certification of highly qualified personnel.
The authors define the role of ISEC in management of doctoral studies at NAS RA and establishment of a competitive third level education for the sphere of research and development in Armenia.