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Karabakh's problem is trapped in false stereotypes

Updated: Feb 10



In the 20th century, three false republics with the name Azerbaijan appeared in Transcaucasia, laying claim to Nagorno-Karabakh (NK). Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) 1918-1920. was founded by the Turks. Not recognized by the League of Nations, it left history without established or recognized borders. In those same years, Artsakh was a de facto independent entity, with legitimate authorities represented by the Congress of Plenipotentiary Representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh (SPPNK). On April 28, 1920, the SPPNK proclaimed NK an integral part of the Republic of Armenia. The second false republic – the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic (Az. SSR) – was founded on April 28, 1920 by the XI Red Army of Sovereign Russia as a non-national republic that did not have a titular nation. NK was included within the AzSSR by an unaccepted "decision" of the Caucasian Bureau of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).This was an act of annexation. The third illegal entity – the Republic of Azerbaijan (AZ.R) – appeared in 1991 during the collapse of the USSR. It qualified the Azerbaijani SSR as an illegal entity and proclaimed itself the successor to the equally illegal ADR, which had no sovereignty in Artsakh. The referendum of December 10 of the NKR took place in territories not belonging to Az.R. During the collapse of the USSR, the OSCE recognized Az.R., where before there had not been a single act of self-determination or a referendum on independence. A state that, under the cover of the unrelated principle of territorial integrity, continued the policy of the Armenian genocide received a pass to join the UN. Artsakh is now a territory captured by Az.R.

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