In some European countries talking about European values today is considered almost bad manners. But after the Karabakh genocide and the Palestinian-Israeli new war we decided to take some of them out of the archive.

1. Humanism
Humanism and human rights are among the core European values. In reality today they say: try to appear humane in your extreme cruelty. If you do not do this, then you will have to hear complaints and calls for restraint from the bearers of these values. If you yourself are their carriers, then try not to be very cruel in your two-faced elementary humanity!
Unless, of course, this does not conflict with your interests.
2. Rule of law
According to European values, you should strictly follow this principle.
But you should know that it is applied when it is beneficial for those who exercise this right. For the rest this principle means the rule of law of force (the right of the strong)! Unlike the weak the strong are subject to the presumption of innocence.
3. Freedom and equality
In this bundle the dominant one is freedom, or more precisely, the freedom to receive benefits. In most cases, to the detriment of equality. Moreover, freedom often manifests itself in the unpunished use of pressure and brute force! Anyone who uses force is free to do so if it is beneficial to other powerful people, or at least does not contradict their interests.
4. Democracy.
Democracy is the power of the people, which should be exercised by a chosen few. Democratic states in their relationships should be guided by the principles of solidarity and mutual support. If this does not contradict the interests of the ruling minority and the large financial, economic and security structures behind it! Democratic states are free to enter into strategic partnerships with any authoritarian or totalitarian regime from which these structures may benefit.