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Mihran Shahzadeyan 

Mihran Abramovich Shahzadeyan taught philosophy at the Armenian Pedagogical University and political science at the Yerevan State Institute after Valery Bryusov (1971-1989). 

In 1980 he defended his dissertation at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU (topic: philosophical and methodological problems of research into the everyday practical consciousness of the masses).

From 1989 to 1991 he was the founding director of the Institute for Social and Political Studies, and in 1998-2009 he was the rector of the Yerevan Institute of Innovative Technologies.

From 1999 to 2002 he headed the Regional Center of the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), and from 2002 to 2009 he was the director of the MESI branch in Yerevan.

In 1985, Mihran Shahzadeyan became a board member of the Philosophical Society of Armenia, in 1990 he was the organizer of the Armenian Association of Political Sciences. In 1991, Mihran Shahzadeyan was elected a member of the board of the Soviet Association of Political Sciences and in the same year headed one of the sections of the World Congress of Political Sciences in Buenos Aires. In 2002 he was elected a full member of the International Academy of Open Education.  

For many years he has been a member of the Distance Learning Commission of the Council for Cooperation in Education of the CIS Member States.

Under his leadership and authorship, in 2001, the first in Armenia was created 
virtual university and the first Armenian electronic textbooks, the online LMS "Prometheus" was introduced, international scientific and practical conferences, seminars and master classes on the introduction of information technologies in education were held, and the first collections of scientific and methodological works on this topic were published. Author of the monograph "Philosophical and methodological problems of research into everyday practical consciousness of the masses" and more than 40 scientific articles.

Mihran Abramovich Shahzadeyan is a member of the European Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (EuroTex, Belgium), an international non-profit association established in 1999 dedicated to the transfer of knowledge, innovation and technology between EU Member States and European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) countries.

Currently  M. A. Shahzadeyan is the chairman of the Armenian Association of Political Scientists. He teaches political science at the Yerevan branch of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov.

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